Actually, to those who may care, we have successfully moved our family back to Colorado and are enjoying settling into our new home and a new routine.
Now, today I wish express my appreciation for that cyberspatial miracle known as Craigs

Ever wonder who Craig is? Check this link out and educate yourself.
In the past month, I calculate that I have saved more than $3000 by spending just a little over $1000 on some perfectly fine and (even exceptionally nice) furniture. This includes a gorgeous solid oak dining room table and china cabinet, bunkbeds, patio furniture and an office chair.
In each of these instances, I went to Craigslist, found the desired item within a 25 mile radius at a reasonable price, and then graciously (mercilessly?) negotiated an even lower price with the anxious sellers. I have been grateful for my Toyota pick-up, because it has made it possible for me to head out at a moment's notice to pick up the merchandise, which has allowed me to negotiate lower prices with the sellers.
In each instance, instead of feeling like I was being robbed by some money-grubbing retailer, I felt a strong fraternal connection to my co-barterers, like we were co-collaborators on a new utopian social experiment. They got money for something they didn't need anymore. I got a good item at a great price. Everyone went home happy.
How many things in life are consistently win/win for everyone involved? Not many, and so that's why Craigslist gets my props today.
If you haven't bought something on it before, give it a shot.
And if you've got some cheap furniture to sell, give me a shout. (Let's keep this Craig dude out of the loop on this one.)
I think that I am one of the six.
I too love Craig's list. It has everything.
We needed to sell our contract to our apartment and I put it on Craig's list and I had like 5 emails in about 15 minutes.
Much better than ebay.
I agree! I love Craigslist, we got two great bunkbeds that way. So what is your new job in Colorado? Are you part of a practice or are you at a hospital again? What kind of medicine are you practicing?
I love craigslist too. I've gotten a few bikes, golf clubs, and others things through it at great deals.
Also, I greatly enjoy your blog and keeping tabs on how you are doing. Please keep it up.
At last! I was beginning to wonder if you'd made it to CO! Yes, Craigslist is every big city's lifeline to all things cheap and bulky. Alas, no reprieve for us Worlanders. :)
I'm glad to hear that you guys are settled.
I am also a big fan of la lista de Craig. It helped furnish our new home as well. I never underestimate its power.
Craigslist is sweet, just look at my TV baby.
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